FREE Active Shooter Training Workshop

There were 703 deaths and 2840 injuries due to active shooters in 2021
There have been 242 deaths and 912 injuries due to active shooters just in 2022
Statistics can be read at https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/
Saturday,June 11th, 2022
10 am to 12 pm
How can this be?
What is our government doing about this?
What can we do locally about this?
How can you ensure your family knows what to do in case it happens to you?
Unfortunately government's hands appear to be tied. Whether you are for or against tougher gun laws we all suffer when a crazy person decides to go on a rampage in your town. Western North Carolina luckily has a low violent crime rate and is a basically safe place to live. Unfortunately the victims in Uvalde and Buffalo weren't so lucky. Reliance on the government sometimes isn't an option.
We at Hendokickboxing & Krav Maga specialize in actual threats whether it's an individual assault or an active shooter. We can help prepare you for many situations. Our system comes from Israel, which as you know has the best security and safety protocols in the world in order to protect it's citizens.
So what will you learn in this workshop?
Situational Awareness (how to spot an active shooter)
Coopers Colors (used by Police and Military)
Department of Homeland Security Instructional video
Instruction on what to do in case of an active shooter
Actual live Active Shooter drill (class participation)
Space is limited to 30 individuals so if you are interested in attending for your company or organization just send 1 person. Please wear lose comfortable clothing because you will be getting physical.
Reserve your spot today by clicking on the GREEN Button below.