How to Get Motivated and Stay Motivated
Written by Christine Wheeler - ABD Hendokickboxing & Krav Maga Motivation is one of the most powerful forces behind any personal...

The Israeli Combat Point Shooting Method used by Hendokickboxing & Krav Maga
The ICPS AKA the “Israeli method of Point Shooting is often regarded as a shooting style, when it is in fact a small percent of what...

Exercise may provide some protection against Parkinson’s disease
A study called E3N followed more than 90,000 women for almost 3 decades to learn more about how lifestyle factors affect women’s health....

Why MMA Training is the Secret to Incredible Fitness Results
Training for MMA is a full-body workout that pushes your body to limits like no other sport, and can get you in the best shape of your...

How Tai Chi can help with Alzheimer's disease
A new study published last month is the first to discover a way that adults can reduce their risk of Alzheimers disease via breathing...

5 Steps for Seniors To Achieve a Better Quality of Life Through Improved Mental and Physical Health
Whether you plan to live out your golden years in New Jersey or California, enjoying a great quality of life requires maintaining good...

Which Martial Art is best for Self Defense?
Knowledge of self defense does not grow on trees. You need to train in order to remain sharp. One of the central tenets of self defense...

Krav Maga, Self-Defense Seminars as an Effective Way to Improve the Work Processes in your business
originally written by Gil Peleg Why do companies deliver seminars in Krav Maga to their employees? It turns out that quite a few...

Martial Arts for Preschoolers
There are very few options for children ages 3 to 5 when it comes to sports and fitness. During these Covid-19 days it's even more...

How krav maga changed me: one woman’s mind-body transformation
Instructor Rita Matty on how she discovered krav maga, as told to Alice Birrell. About six years ago a friend of mine was mugged outside...